Study Resources
As we aim to help you in your walk, we think it’s important to check out other reliable resources. We’ve created a list below with a brief description of what you can expect to get from these great organizations.
The Church of Eleven22
Joby Martin is a good ole’ boy from South Carolina. He’s the most relatable pastor you’ve ever met if you have a love for hunting and the outdoors. Joby does a phenomenal job of helping you develop and deepen a relationship with Jesus Christ. We’ve linked a great sermon that walks through The Gospel According to John.
The Summit Church Online
Our home church has helped us grow in our faith tremendously over the last several years. Pastor J.D. Greear does an excellent job of dissecting the Bible in a way that is relatable and understandable to all. We are honored to be a part of the men's ministry in and around this church.
Desiring God
John Piper started Desiring God in 1994. It has become an international web ministry with 14,000+ free resources and 3.5+million monthly users. Today, John serves as lead teacher for the ministry. Desiring God is a great tool for you to find messages and articles on nearly any topic related to the Bible.
Revelation Outdoors
A waterfowl ministry might not be something you hear about often. However, Joey Gauthier does a fantastic job of doing what we try to do. That is, connecting those in the outdoor industry to a relationship with God. They have some great resources on their site along with testimonies from hunters like us.
More Than a Calling
MTAC is a collection of believers creating content to provide followers of Christ the essentials they need to share the gospel through waterfowl hunting. Check out their books and media to learn more!
The Greeting Call
You may be familiar with our podcast, The Greeting Call. We've established a 501c3 non-profit with hopes of creating an organization strictly focused on advancing the Gospel. Through events, bible studies, and gatherings, we hope that just one more person would follow Christ.
Roy Vargas - Missionary
Roy is a passionate disciple partnering with Reliant and The Summit Church to help spread the good news. Roy has a heart for leading men and women to Christ the Raleigh-Durham area, especially those with different ethnic backgrounds. For more on how to partner with Roy, head to the link below.
Wycliffe Bible Translators
At Wycliffe, Bible Translation is what they do, life transformation is what they are all about. God sent Jesus to seek and save the lost. They are partnering with the body of Christ globally to make His Word available to every person, every community, in a language and format they understand best. Join them!