How do I get permission to hunt?

How do I get permission to hunt?
Honesty is the best policy when it comes to getting permission to hunt a piece of land. You may think you can sneak on a property and get away with it but that will come to an end eventually. Landowners are much more likely to grant you permission if you’re open and honest with them. 


Get to Know Them

People know when they’re being used. When you rush a conversation or question, land owners will see that you don’t respect them. You may think that just because you're 10 hours from home it doesn’t matter, but it definitely does. Have meaningful conversations with whoever you’re asking permission from and it will pay off tenfold.


Respect the Land

Once you have permission, be respectful. Treat one’s land as if it were your own. Do not litter, pick up your shells, and always close fences back. If you build up a strong relationship with a landowner, they’ll likely invite you back next year. It always pays off to give them some kind of “thank you”, even if it is just a gift card. This will go a long way, especially those that freelance.